Category Archives: Deceit techniques

The secret

The secret

Contradictory Status

The Government of the United States conducted a structured program of unlawful exclusion and fraud, mandated exclusion, fabricated justification throughout the plaintiff’s life. While simultaneously coordinating and conducting a program to fabricate and orchestrate the appearance of inclusion and participation in “state” affairs knowing that the plaintiff was completely unaware of them. The secret was that the plaintiff was not informed, aware, or comprehending, and uninvolved in the affairs orchestrated over him. The Executive Office of the Presidency authorized the orchestration and was approved.
        Falsifying Top Secret clearance involvement of the plaintiff, their crime victim, and alleging or implying plaintiff had knowledge or a role in the decisions that they made, only extending the crimes under secrecy protection.

Black Budget Fraud

The US Government fraudulently denied the plaintiff knowledge of his Father, and knowledge of his heritage
The US Government fraudulently involved the plaintiff in Desert Storm, using his religious Identity, influence and his miracle book work.
The US Government fraudulently deprived the plaintiff of his special right with regard to the ADA
The US Government fraudulently involved the plaintiff in Guantanamo Bay and its opening.
The US Government coordinated a National Emergency over the plaintiff.
The US Government coordinated the plaintiff’s entire grade school career fraudulently.
The US Government coordinated the plaintiff’s entire college career fraudulently.
The US Government coordinated the plaintiff’s entire US Postal career fraudulently.
The US Government coordinated the plaintiff’s entire life and circumstances fraudulently.
Presidential and governmental policies indicate that the situation isn’t cut and dried. Individuals choose between doing the crime and not. What was prepared for me if I had been informed is not what I got being uniformed and went to the perpetrators of crime. The secret military prosecutions indicate the trail of wrongdoing and its purpose could not have been to replace the ones who got caught with other criminals. The mandated exclusion and orchestrated inclusion in the national security system precludes an objective decision. The orchestration into secret, reveals the false expectations as lies and conspiracy. The appointment of an independent counsel meant judicial decisions had to be reached, not that whatever had been done was right. People made the decision whether to follow illegal orders, crimes and policies.

The perceived expectations of some for me to understand was because of the government’s deceit. It also suggest that my exclusion wasn’t cut and dried, but rather the result of conspiracy.
The peril and confusion of secret accusations made on my behalf over problems I never knew of, seems to be seriously intentionally flawed. The victim left out in the open, unaware, unadvised, and a loose end for criminal
    “Prosecuting the war” at the expense of the witnesses health and life, by the perpetrators. Whether waiting to stabilize the middle east again, looking for another great thing to prosecute and for the purpose of manufacturing delay. . The fear of Overseas threats….of prosecution? Defense and prosecution by the Government.
George Bush Jr. statement “prosecuting the war” was indicative of the problem. Prosecuting the war at the expense of the man they lied on and victimized to do, and they man they criminally victimized to cover it up. It’s obvious that doing a Desert Storm, etc., prosecution wasn’t first on everyone’s agenda.

The respondents also acted with depravity in turning attempted murder with Navy suicidal depressants into the now famous doctrine of suicide bombing and going straight to heaven. (long story)