Category Archives: Manufacturer complicity

Torture, Complicity and Unequal Treatment

Torture, Complicity and Unequal Treatment

TORTURE— repeat and deliberate infliction of suffering, including psychological abuse of inflicting suffering, incapacitation, and physical harm and calling me crazy(figuratively).
Denial of medicine including through adulteration, and denial of medical through feigned superficial care, simply ignoring diagnosis
Widespread target specific tampering, with respect to the petitioner. State of Maryland and Florida (96′ and previously) to present.
UNEQUAL TREATMENT–deprivation of the benefit of legislative actions specifically intended to benefit myself and others. ADA, Independent counsel Statute and some suspect beneficial legislation legislated by the state of Florida. Pharmaceutical substituting or tampering, obstruction of justice by denying victim medical treatment.
Unequal treatment regarding apparent witnesses and protected participants
  1. The Government of the United States, the defendants used chemical restraints, incapacitating agents, debilitating agents, and toxic exposures. Several Presidential administrations committed conspiracy against rights. Executive administrations and executive departments utilized and coordinated federal, state, and local officials and private sector entities in unison. Private sector entities including retailers, vendors, private and public hospitals, caregivers and other service providers. Thus creating a hostile community environment for the plaintiff. Adulterated or drugged cigarettes, soft drinks, water, prescription and over the counter medicine, herbs, vitamins, food and supplements and the debilitation and danger hazards that comes with them are what the plaintiff is subject to. The plaintiff has been subjected to such for ten to fifteen years with something such cigarettes even longer. The most intense and thorough across the board problems span approximately three to five years

  2. War time manufacturing
    control concepts like during WWII. Hitler and the Nazi’s did the same, with slave labor . In the modern scenario with a much more sophisticate twist, the Government’s production of altered deleterious products with manufacturers is no less evil. Compared to the Japanese interments camps, the modern kinder gentler approach of chemical repression is used. The reference to the US as the leader in high tech repression appears true.

  3. The use of major tranquilizers known to cause brain damage, and Parkinson’s disease like symptoms by the community including pharmacist. These drugs were not allowed by law to be used without consent in the hospital and subject to habeas corpus procedures governing them as being a deprivation of liberty through chemical restraint.

  4. The Government of the United States committed in the childhood of the individual (self) and CONTINUE TO COMMIT THOSE ACTS that cause and caused permanent injury to the plaintiff, including causing organic brain damage (ADD, attention deficit syndrome), motor retardation, and muscle skeletal malformations, and endocrine hormonal dysfunction. Dental malformation.